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representative football


ISFA runs representative teams for boys in Y8 – Y13 and girls in Y9 – Y13. The ISFA representative programme is designed to provide additional, high quality football opportunities for the best players from independent schools. 





Around 800-900 boys and girls take part in ISFA representative trials and events each season.  Inevitably many of these will, at some point in the process, not be selected for the various national and regional representative teams and this will lead to disappointment, both for the individual players themselves and also for their parents.  Occasionally ISFA receives complaints, mainly from parents, about selection decisions and, whilst these represent only a very small proportion of the players involved, they involve a disproportionate amount of time to deal with.


ISFA fully understands the disappointment that results when individuals fail to gain selection and appreciates that  parents will invariably feel that their son/daughter should be selected.  The statement “my son/daughter was the best player on the pitch” is commonplace.  However, it is not possible to select everybody and ultimately these decisions are a matter of opinion and must be made by neutral selectors, free from parental pressures.


In particular ISFA would like to make clear the following:


It is a condition of participation in the ISFA representative programme that schools, players and parents abide by and accept the selectors’ decisions without exception.  This is fundamental and most important.  If this condition is not acceptable, schools should not nominate the players concerned.


ISFA appoints experienced teachers and qualified coaches to take charge of its teams and make selection decisions.  It does not believe it is acceptable that selectors should have to suffer abusive comments, either in person, on the phone or by e-mail in relation to team selection. Where such incidents take place, the player in question will be omitted from consideration from future selection.


The ISFA Representative programme and its teams are the property of ISFA and the Association reserves the right to select whichever players it considers to be appropriate.  No player has a “right” to any such selection.




Whilst it is necessary to ask parents to make a financial contribution to the cost of some events, it should be made clear that much of the representative programme runs at a financial loss and ISFA in fact subsidises the programme by raising funds from other sources (eg sponsorship).  ISFA’s aim is to organise a high quality programme for the best players in ISFA schools and to keep costs to a minimum for parents.  The Association is a “not-for-profit” organisation and, in the event of there being any surplus funds, they are re-invested in the programme.


If schools or parents disagree with the above or find it unacceptable, then they should please not put forward their boys/girls for the programme.




Information for players, parents and schools


In order to participate in the ISFA Representative Programme, players must be attending an ISFA Member School


Under-13 (Year 8)

There are nine regional representative teams at this age group.  Trials are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms and all nine regions attend the ISFA U13 Regional Representative Festival in late March/early April each year.

Different regions hold their Trials at different times.  Nominations must be made by the school and not by parents.  ISFA Member Schools wishing to nominate should do so be contacting their regional coach (please email Ian Clarkson for details of your regional head coach).  


Under-14 (Year 9)

A large number of boys are involved in the ISFA programme at this age group.  The first selection of around 40 boys is made following the ISFA U13 Regional Representative Festival, held in March/April of the U13 Year. 

However, outstanding players who do not attend this Festival can still be nominated by ISFA Member Schools to attend the U15 Trial in the Summer before starting Year 10. 

Invitations to nominate will be sent during the Summer Term, and all ISFA member schools will be sent an email regarding this.


Under-15 (Year 10)

We hold a trial during the Summer Holidays (prior to starting Year 10) for our existing U14 players and any newcomers who did not attend the U13 Festival.  A Squad of 18 players (plus reserves) is selected from this.  


Under-16 (Year 11)

A Squad is selected at the end of the Under-15 year.  However, outstanding players who have not been involved in the ISFA Representative Programme before can still be nominated by ISFA Member Schools before September.  These nominations should be sent to Adam Lowe ( where they will be considered on an individual basis.


Under-17/Under-18 (Year 12/13)

A reselection process, separate from anything that has previously taken place at U16 level, will take place at the start of Year 12. ISFA Member Schools will be invited to nominate on September 1st. The regional contacts for this age group are either Steve Wilderspin in the North ( or Jono Santry in the South (

PLEASE NOTE: This is a reselection process. It is important that schools re-nominate players who have already been involved at U16 and U15 levels if they wish to be reconsidered for selection.

There will be a North Trial and a South Trial in late September or October. Following a final national trial match in November the Full ISFA Team will be selected for U17/U18.  This is a 2-year programme and we do not hold trials at U18.



Information for players, parents and schools


In order to participate in the ISFA Representative Programme, players must be attending an ISFA Member School.


Under-15 Regional (Year 9 & 10)

ISFA runs a girls regional representative programme for girls in years 9 & 10. The first stage of this process is for girls to attend a regional talent ID day, usually taking place in March/April. Two talent ID days are held, one in the South and one in the North. Girls can be nominated by either their school or parent to attend a talent ID day (applications open around January); however, where the nomination is from the parent, please note that no girl can represent ISFA without the knowledge and approval of her school. Following the talent ID days approx. 60 girls will be selected to attend a summer development camp which is also the starting process for selection for the following seasons National U16 squad.


Under-16 National (Year 10 & 11)

ISFA runs a girls national representative programme for girls in years 10 & 11. ISFA organises a final trial match in September with girls invited to attend following the summer development camp. At the final trial match a squad of 18 players (plus standby players) will be selected to form a National U16 squad to take part in camps and international matches during October – May.


Under-18 National (Year 12 & 13)

ISFA runs a girls national representative programme for girls in years 12 & 13. ISFA organises a national trials day in September and girls wishing to attend this can be nominated by either their school or parent (applications open around May); however, where the nomination is from the parent, please note that no girl can represent ISFA without the knowledge and approval of her school. At the trial day a squad of 18 players (plus standby players) will be selected to form a National U18 squad to take part in camps and international matches during October – Easter.

For further details on the ISFA Girls Representative Programme please contact ISFA Head of Football Operations Ian Bent.




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Registered address: 5 Butler's Court, Queen Elizabeth Crescent, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1BX.

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